Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2021

Floor Speech

Date: March 9, 2021
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. TLAIB. Madam Speaker, workers in our Nation deserve human dignity. That means the right to fight for safety and fairness in the workplace, as residents in my district know this all too well because we birthed the labor rights movement.

One of the most important provisions in the PRO Act provides for mediation and arbitration if the employer and union cannot agree to a first collective bargaining agreement.

My amendment guarantees that there will be no undue delay providing workers that agreement. Currently, almost 50 percent of unions fail to reach an agreement within a year with the employer. So my amendment specifies that the arbitration panel must issue a decision within 120 days. This furthers the core purpose of the bill by preventing employers from delaying this and putting the harm on workers.

