Norton Thanks McGovern for Defeating Amendment Attacking D.C. Labor Laws

Press Release

Date: March 8, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) thanked House Rules Committee Chairman James P. McGovern (D-MA) for defeating an amendment today in the committee that attacked the District of Columbia's local labor laws. The amendment, filed by Congressman Scott Perry (R-PA) to the Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2021 (H.R. 842), would have, among other things, made it a federal crime to engage in violence during a labor dispute solely within the District, but not solely within the states. Republicans have included the D.C. provision in standalone bills and amendments for many years, none of which have succeeded.

"Representative Perry is abusing Congress' undemocratic authority over D.C. by seeking to drag D.C. into this politically motivated attack on organized labor, which would uniquely impact D.C. union workers," Norton said. "D.C. is a labor town that does not belong in his anti-labor amendment. Thank you to Chairman McGovern for defeating this amendment, which directly attacks D.C. union workers and self-government."
