Representative Ross Votes to Pass the American Rescue Plan

Press Release

Keyword Search: Covid

Washington, D.C. -- Today, Congresswoman Deborah Ross (NC-02) voted to the pass the American Rescue Plan Act, a $1.9 trillion bill modeled on President Biden's proposal for COVID-19 relief. The package provides $350 billion to state and local governments, with North Carolina receiving $8.7 billion.

"To date, the COVID-19 pandemic has killed over 500,000 Americans and prompted an economic crisis. Families are going hungry, bills are piling up, and temporary job losses are becoming permanent as this crisis drags on," said Congresswoman Ross. "This bill is critical to getting the many North Carolinians affected by this pandemic back on their feet. It gives state and local governments the funds they need to fight the virus, distribute vaccines, and safely reopen schools. It provides relief to small businesses and restaurants that are at risk of shutting their doors. Critically, it incentivizes states like North Carolina to expand Medicaid by increasing the federal government's contribution. I'm proud to vote for this comprehensive package, and I thank President Biden for his leadership in combating this virus."

Specifically, the legislation:

Provides working families with an additional direct payment of up to $1,400 per person -- bringing the total relief payment to $2,000 per person;
Provides over $20 billion to establish a national COVID-19 vaccination program and improve the administration and distribution of vaccines;
Expands the Paycheck Protection Program to help our small businesses and increases program funding;
Provides $51 billion to expand testing, contact tracing, and mitigation;
Extends and expands unemployment insurance so that 18 million American workers can pay their bills;
Provides nearly $130 billion to help K-12 schools re-open safely;
Provides housing assistance and nutrition assistance to struggling Americans;
Expand access to safe and reliable childcare;
Bolsters affordable healthcare;
Supports 27 million children with an expanded Child Tax Credit and 15 million low-wage childless workers through an improved Earned Income Tax Credit; and more.
