Duncan on Final Passage of American Rescue Plan Act


Date: March 10, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Covid Relief

Congressman Jeff Duncan (SC-03) issued the following statement after voting no on final passage of H.R. 1319, the "American Rescue Plan" Act:

"Today, the House voted on final passage of H.R. 1319, the Democrats' sham "COVID-19 relief" bill. Every Republican and one Democrat voted against this bill. Don't let them fool you -- this is not real COVID-19 relief legislation. Democrats are once again using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to pass their radical priorities. In fact, several members of their own party have admitted this bill is one of the most progressive pieces of legislation in history. With a $1.9 trillion price tag, it is also the most expensive bill in history, yet only 9% of the funding will go toward combatting the pandemic. The remaining funds will go toward the left's radical pet projects that are completely unrelated to COVID-19 such as $350 billion for bailing out blue states that have poorly managed their budgets, $86 billion for union pension bailouts, and taxpayer funding for abortion and abortion providers like Planned Parenthood.

"The bill also includes other outrageous provisions such as $1,400 a week for fifteen weeks to federal employees whose children are remote learning, providing stimulus checks to felons in prison, expanding health care subsidies for illegal immigrants, and barring states that accept federal funds from issuing tax cuts through 2024. This disastrous $1.9 trillion bill will take our national debt to almost $30 trillion, a completely unnecessary burden on the next generation given there is over $1 trillion in unspent COVID-19 relief funds remaining from previous bipartisan COVID-19 relief packages that passed while President Trump was in office. The bottom line is Democrats are failing the American people by passing H.R. 1319. This bill is not a rescue plan in any way shape or form. This is a partisan package filled with progressive wish list priorities that are bad for our country. It is past time for Congress to focus on tailored, bipartisan policies that support American families, Main Street businesses, and getting our kids back to school."
