Press Release

Keyword Search: Covid Relief

Rep. Vargas (CA-51) released the following statement after the House passage of the American Rescue Plan. President Biden's comprehensive legislative package will deliver immediate relief to working individuals and support communities struggling with the public health crisis and economic fallout. In addition, language from Rep. Vargas' bills, H.R. 1720 COVID-19 Medical Production Act and H.R. 1719 Emergency Tribal Housing Assistance Act, were included in the House and Senate-Passed American Rescue Plan.

The American Rescue Plan passed the Senate on March 6, 2021, and passed in its original form out of the House on February 27, 2021.

"I am pleased that language, from two of my bills, was included in President Biden's American Rescue Plan. First, language from my bill, H.R. 1720 COVID-19 Medical Production Act, will provide $10 billion in additional appropriations for the Defense Production Act to fund testing, personal protective equipment, and vaccine production to combat COVID-19.

"My second bill, H.R. 1719 Emergency Tribal Housing Assistance Act, will appropriate a total of $750 million towards tribal nations' affordable housing and self-determined housing activities, Native Hawaiian housing, and community development for all tribal nations.

"The COVID-19 virus has taken a toll on our day-to-day lives; the American People are struggling to make ends meet. Meanwhile, essential workers are risking their lives working on the frontlines of the pandemic. I applaud Congress for passing President Biden's American Rescue Plan. The plan will help protect American lives & get our economy back on track. I'm optimistic that the legislative package will help address the immediate crises and build back better than before."

Vargas represents California's 51st Congressional District which includes the southern portion of San Diego County, all of Imperial County, and California's entire U.S.-Mexico border. Vargas was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2012 and is currently serving his fifth term in Congress.
