Scott Statement on Democrats' Partisan Stimulus Package


Date: March 6, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Covid Relief

U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) released the following statement on his vote against the Democrats' partisan, special-interest filled stimulus package.

"In a made-for-television, twenty-four hour spectacle that left Capitol Hill paralyzed, Democrats rammed through a deeply partisan package that left more questions than answers. Ninety percent of this pork-filled bill is unrelated to the pandemic, less than ten percent of this bill is for COVID health care relief, and only one percent is designated for vaccines. To make matters worse, it creates slush funds to bail out states that mismanage their finances, has no requirements to get children back in the classroom, slows down our already recovering economy, discourages people from re-entering the workforce, and even provides stimulus checks to people in prison today. Simply put, this is not a "COVID relief package,' it is a Trojan Horse for the radical Left's progressive wish list."
