Burgess: Protecting Women is a bipartisan issue


Date: March 17, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), released the following statement after voting against the Democrats' partisan legislation H.R. 1620 -- the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2021.

"This legislation has a history of being a bipartisan issue. Yet, starting in February 2019, the Majority refused to include the Minority in drafting this reauthorization. The Majority even allowed the reauthorization to lapse rather than work with Republicans," said Burgess.

"What is most disappointing is that once again there was a potential bipartisan solution brought forward. I joined Congresswoman Elise Stefanik in offering a clean reauthorization for the next two fiscal years. This would have simply extended the legislation that had been reauthorized in the past so that these important programs remain in place. If Congress passed this reauthorization, it would have provided the time to hold the committee hearings, the round tables, listen to constituents, and then amend VAWA if needed. Congress has a duty to do its job and put forward the best reauthorization rather than a piecemeal partisan wish list."
