Tester Pushing Keystone XL Pipeline Amendment to Override President Biden's Decision

Press Release

Keyword Search: Covid

U.S. Senator Jon Tester today announced he introduced an amendment to the COVID-19 relief bill the Senate is considering this week that would allow construction of the Keystone XL pipeline to move forward without a presidential permit. President Biden canceled the presidential permit for the pipeline on his first day in office.

Tester, a supporter of the Keystone pipeline and its job and tax benefits to Eastern Montana for more than a decade, has pushed the Biden Administration to reverse their decision to cancel the permit and come back to the table to sit down with stakeholders-including TC Energy and Montana's Tribes-to chart a path forward on the job-creating project together.

"When I disagree with my party, I tell them the truth, and the truth is that the jobs and tax revenue Keystone will create would provide a critical boost to the folks that live and work in rural Montana," said Tester. "This amendment would reverse President Biden's decision and take the decision-making on the pipeline away from the folks who canceled it. I'll continue working with Republicans, Democrats, and all interested stakeholders to move this project forward."

Tester's amendment, which he has offered as an attachment to the must-pass COVID-19 relief bill the Senate is currently considering, would allow TC Energy to construct and operate their border-crossing facilities without a presidential permit.

"Anytime Montana has a chance to bring more jobs to the state, you'll see Senator Tester helping lead the charge eagerly stepping up to the plate to support our state's working families," said Al Ekblad, Executive Secretary of the Montana state AFL-CIO. "He understands that this project will do just that, expanding economic opportunities for thousands of Montanans and bringing in much-needed revenue for Eastern Montana counties, and we appreciate his commitment to this project and to Montana's working families."

"This amendment is great news for anyone who wants to see workers in Montana and across the country benefit from the jobs this pipeline will bring," said Montana State Representative Jim Keane. "Putting pipe in the ground would change the economics of our state immediately, and I am thankful to Senator Tester for working so hard to make sure we get this pipeline built."

"LiUNA 1686 is grateful for Senator Tester's steadfast support for Montana's workers and for his commitment to getting this pipeline built over the last many years, even when it means bucking his party to do it," said Kim Rickard, Business Manager & Secretary Treasurer of LiUNA 1686. "From day one, Senator Tester has fought to get this critical project built and this amendment is no exception. Montana's workers owe him a debt of gratitude for his commitment to the needs of workers and their families across this state."

Senator Tester has tirelessly supported the Keystone pipeline during his time in elected office. He broke with his party to approve the pipeline's construction in 2015, and when former President Obama canceled the project, Tester voted to override the veto.

Full text of Tester amendment can be found HERE.
