Maloney Praises Biden-Harris Executive Actions on Gun Safety

Press Release

Date: April 8, 2021

Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY), author of H.R. 1007, the Gun Trafficking and Crime Prevention Act, today praised President Biden and Vice President Harris's announcement of actions their Administration is taking to combat the gun violence epidemic.

"I'm grateful to President Biden and Vice President Harris for taking these steps to address the gun violence epidemic as the public health crisis it is -- instead of just relying on platitudes to comfort our nation in the wake of recent mass shootings.

"I'm particularly encouraged by the Administration's plan to issue an annual report on firearms trafficking. For too long, the "Iron Pipeline' has enabled people to skirt New York's strong gun laws. In New York City alone, as many as 74% of the firearms used in crimes were trafficked from other states with weak gun laws.

"I'm hopeful that this report will help to highlight the need to crack down on the Iron Pipeline and build support for my Gun Trafficking and Crime Prevention Act, which would make gun trafficking and straw purchasing felonies under federal law."

In addition to H.R. 1007, Congresswoman Maloney is the sponsor of:

H.R. 825, Gun Violence Prevention Research Act;
H.R. 1004, Firearm Risk Protection Act;
H.R. 1005, NICS Review Act;
H.R. 1006, Gun Show Loophole Closing Act; and
H.R. 1008, Handgun Trigger Safety Act

