Bergman Opposes Biden's Anti-Gun Agenda


Date: April 8, 2021

Today, President Joe Biden signed a series of gun control Executive Orders. Rep. Jack Bergman issued the following statement:
"The Second Amendment is clear -- the right of American citizens to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. This is true, no matter what the President, Department of Justice, bureaucrats, state leaders, or any other organization have to say about it. President Biden's radical anti-gun agenda does not align with what the First District sent me to Washington to accomplish. The mandates being pushed out of the White House today go well beyond the authority of the President and bypass the Congressional debate and deliberation that form the bedrock of our republic.

"Additionally, H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446, which President Biden referred to today, offer no real solutions to violence across our Nation, and are both ill-conceived and short-sighted bills. Indefinitely delaying legal gun purchases, making lending a hunting rifle to a friend a crime, and appointing a radical gun-control lobbyist to head the ATF are in no way bipartisan or good-faith efforts to stop gun violence in our country. I will continue opposing any effort that infringes on our Second Amendment rights."

Rep. Bergman has supported additional measures that were signed into law to help improve the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and promote school safety. He has also supported multiple pieces of legislation to protect Second Amendment rights, including the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, which would allow citizens that have a state-issued concealed carry permit to travel with their firearm across state lines without navigating through a patchwork of conflicting state law.
