Fitzgerald Statement on Court Packing

Press Release

Date: April 15, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Judicial Branch

Today, Congressman Scott Fitzgerald (WI-05) made the following statement regarding the Democrats' radical proposal to politicize the Supreme Court of the United States by packing on four more justices to the bench:

"Radical doesn't even begin to describe the political circus Democrats have orchestrated since the start of the 117th Congress. Their latest proposal to pack the Supreme Court is so radical that Justice Breyer, a Clinton appointee, recently said he opposes the idea. As our nation's most revered Federal institution continues to be attacked by Democrats, I will do all I can to ensure the Supreme Court remains free from partisan influence and a beacon of our democracy."

NOTE: In response to the dangerous court packing bill Democrats introduced today, Congressman Fitzgerald signed on as a cosponsor to H.J. Res. 11, a constitutional amendment to cap the Supreme Court at nine justices. H.J. Res 11 is supported by FreedomWorks, Keep the Nine Coalition, the Republican National Committee, Americans for Limited Government (ALEC), National Federation of Republican Women, Americans for Limited Government, and cosponsored by 100 Members.
