Murphy Votes Against D.C. Statehood


Date: April 22, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Filibuster

On April 22, 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 51, which would provide statehood for Washington, D.C. Congressman Greg Murphy, M.D. (NC-03) released the following statement after voting against the bill:

"Democrats are hellbent on destroying every American institution that stands between them and total control of government," said Murphy. "Whether you look to H.R. 1, their efforts to eliminate the legislative filibuster, or their desire to pack the Supreme Court, radical progressives from the left are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure they can control every aspect of our lives.

"Their latest scheme is to make Washington, D.C. a state, which is a poorly disguised attempt to give Democrats two more Senate seats. If Democrats' real motive is to provide congressional representation to the citizens of Washington, D.C., then they would be open to the many other constitutional alternatives other than D.C. statehood, such as following precedent and retroceding D.C. back to Maryland as Congress did with Virginia in 1846.

"In addition, making D.C. a state would require us to repeal the 23rd Amendment, which allots three electoral college votes to D.C. If we didn't do this, the presidential family would be the only residents of the federal district and they would have three electoral college votes just for themselves. That would be absolutely outrageous. I am greatly discouraged by this bill's passage today. Instead of doing real work for the American people, Speaker Pelosi has us doing this nonsense."
