Let's Get Back to Work

Floor Speech

Keyword Search: Vaccine


Mr. TIMMONS. Madam Speaker, there are nearly 8 million job openings in the United States right now, yet the Federal Government is currently paying people to stay home instead of going to work.

Last year, the government took steps to protect and support the American people during a once-in-a-lifetime global pandemic. It was the right thing to do at the time. Now science tells us that we can resume life as normal.

Federal money was able to support workers during the peak of the pandemic, but now the best recovery plan is employment. The answer to our supply chain issues, rising unemployment rate, and inflation is not to continue to throw trillions of dollars at this problem. The real solution is to get people back to work.

We need to follow the lead of States, like my home State of South Carolina, and discontinue participation in the Federal unemployment programs.

Vaccines are available to anyone who chooses to get one. Let's get back to work.

