Blog - Questionable CDC Guidelines on Children's Camps


Date: May 7, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Vaccine

By Rep. Ralph Norman

Enough of this!! The federal guidelines for children's camps this summer are utterly ABSURD. Just read some of this drivel from the CDC:

❌ "Sports and athletic activities should be done outdoors, wearing a mask."

❌ "Campers should avoid playing close-contact or indoor sports."

❌ "Discourage sharing of items that are difficult to clean."

Do these people even have children?! First of all, EVERYTHING is difficult to clean when it comes to kids, and camp is no exception. Second, for the almighty government to declare that *children* can't play close-contact activities at camp while indoors, that eliminates more than half of their activities right off the bat. Then the CDC doubles down on that by saying that sports and other strenuous activities should be outdoors (remember: 90°+ heat) while wearing a mask. Really?!

If we're really "following the science" then we know that children are at EXTREMELY low risk of serious illness from the coronavirus - the data is very clear on this. Plus with widespread vaccine availability for every adult (e.g. counselors), there's no need to go overboard on these restrictions. And parents who aren't comfortable are under no obligation to send their children to camp.

Guidance like this will only serve to make the general public less tolerant of CDC recommendations going forward. The CDC needs to rethink these recommendations immediately. Let the kids be kids this summer!
