Letter to Hon. Merrick Garland, Attorney General - Congressman Cohen Urges Attorney General Garland to Make Mueller Investigation Documents Public


Keyword Search: Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Dear Attorney General Garland:
It was an honor to meet you a couple of years ago when you were having dinner with your family at the Le Diplomate. I look forward to working with you in your new position as Attorney General. You have been an outstanding public servant and I am thankful that as you take the helm of the Department of Justice -- and return the Department to it's true mission of pursuing justice -- you will restore faith in a Department that has been so badly damaged by your predecessors in the Trump Administration. I know of your commitment to fairness, democracy, and transparency and appreciate your effort to rebuild public confidence in the Department of Justice. Undoubtedly, one of the key components of that effort will be coming clean to the American people about the Department's efforts to cover up President Trump's misconduct and illegal activities.
Judge Amy Berman Jackson of the District Court in the District of Columbia ruled in Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics and Washington (CREW) v. Department of Justice that documents relating to former Attorney General Bill Barr's characterization of Special Counsel Mueller's report and the decision not indict the former President must be released to the American public. Judge Jackson is certainly right that "it is time for the public see" them. I encourage you not to appeal Judge Jackson's ruling so the American people can have this information. The Department of Justice cannot be allowed to mislead our courts or our citizenry. If it does, those lies must be exposed to the light of day, which of course is the best disinfectant. Nothing less than a founding notion of our democracy, equal justice under law, is at stake.
Additionally, I encourage you to release evidence collected by the Special Counsel and the full extent of the Department's attempts to insulate President Trump from criminal culpability. The House Judiciary Committee rightfully remains insistent that former White House Counsel Don McGahn comply with the duly issued subpoena for his testimony. The Committee must also see the full Mueller Report in its least redacted form possible. Earlier today, I made these points at a hearing of the Judiciary Committee and they can be found here.
I know you will be transparent and honest with the American people. I was touched by your remarks at your confirmation hearing about your parents' immigration and the emotion you exhibited at Greenwood for the horrible race war against its citizens. You are a man in the tradition of Louis Brandies, Felix Frankfurter, Arthur Goldberg, and person in line with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, so I don't worry about your sense of moral justice -- which is so refreshing.
The Judiciary Committee is certainly welcoming the opportunity to work with you on behalf of the American people. Bill Barr treated us with contempt and arrogance. That's the past, and you are the present. Thank God
