rep. Blunt Rochester Statement Marking One Year Since the Murder of George Floyd


Date: May 25, 2021
Location: Wilmington, DE
Keyword Search: George Floyd

Today, Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.) issued the following statement, marking one year since the murder of George Floyd.

"One year ago, today, a family lost a brother, a son, and a father. George Floyd was murdered when an officer entrusted with protecting a community instead abused his power and privilege to take another man's life. In the wake of that murder, we saw millions of Americans of good conscience stand up, assemble, march, and protest."

"We saw calls for justice and demands for reform. We watched a racial reckoning take place before our very eyes and listened as those cries for justice rang out from the streets of Minneapolis to the halls of Congress. Our work is not done. And while the conviction of George Floyd's killer provided some measure of relief, we cannot, and we must not rest until we channel that pain into purpose and turn protest into policy. We cannot rest until we pass the Justice in Policing Act in George Floyd's name.

"As the mother of a Black son, listening to George Floyd cry out for his mother will haunt me forever. As we mark one year since his death, let us never forget the humanity for which we fight."

"Let us never forget that George's life mattered - and that the lives of countless others whose names we know and don't know matter too. But as we mark one year since his passing, we can also recognize the truth in the words of his daughter, Gianna - George Floyd changed the world. May we continue to change it for the better in his memory."
