Bucshon Statement in Response to President Biden's Six Trillion Dollar Budget Proposal


Date: May 1, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. (IN-08) released the following statement in response to President Biden's six trillion-dollar budget proposal:

"President Biden's budget proposal is yet another spending proposal from this administration that seemingly assumes that money grows on trees instead of coming out of the pockets of hard-working taxpayers today, or the pockets of our children and grandchildren tomorrow. In fact, it proposes levels of spending that would be the highest sustained levels of spending since World War II. Washington has had a spending problem for decades, and instead of showing leadership and putting forward a proposal to begin getting our nation's finances in order this budget doubles down on Washington's spending addiction. At a time when far too many families and small businesses are just starting to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, this budget is going to hurt hard-working Americans in their pocketbooks either thru higher jobs-crushing taxes or though hidden tax increases in the form of rising inflation -- which will fall hardest on low-income Americans and seniors living on a fixed income. This is ultimately a budget that prioritizes growing the power of politicians and bureaucrats in Washington, not the paychecks and dreams of hard-working taxpayers across the nation."
