NH Delegation Announces Granite State Communities to Receive More than $1.4 Billion in State & Local Relief Funding from American Rescue Plan

U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Representatives Annie Kuster (NH-02) and Chris Pappas (NH-01) announced today that New Hampshire will receive $1,456,856,670 in COVID-19 financial relief for the state and local governments through the American Rescue Plan that was passed by Congress and signed into law. These federal dollars also include greater flexibility in funding to respond to the unique local needs in communities across the Granite State. Senators Shaheen and Hassan's leadership helped to secure robust flexible assistance for state and local governments during negotiations with colleagues in the Senate and with the Biden administration.

The resources announced by the delegation today are in addition to the $1.25 billion that the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) provided New Hampshire to compensate for COVID-19 emergency response efforts.

"Over the past year, Granite State leaders have been sounding the alarm on the severe financial impact this pandemic has had on state and local budgets. Communities across New Hampshire have been left cash-strapped as a result of increased costs and reduced revenues due to COVID-19, with many facing devastating cuts to basic services and brutal lay-offs of essential personnel like first responders, sanitation workers and teachers. With today's announcement, I'm glad to say that help is on the way for our towns, cities and counties," said Senator Shaheen. "This urgently needed assistance also includes broad flexibility that will empower officials to effectively meet the unique needs of our communities and make critical investments, such as expanding access to broadband and providing housing and nutrition assistance. I strongly pushed for this relief in the American Rescue Plan and will continue to work with the Biden administration to provide our communities with the resources and support they need to get to the other side of this crisis."

"This substantial federal funding will help New Hampshire not only recover from this pandemic, but also build the path for a strong economic future where all Granite Staters can thrive," said Senator Hassan. "These federal dollars will help New Hampshire create more jobs, support public health, while also helping to prevent layoffs of law enforcement, fire fighters, and teachers. I will keep working to ensure that Granite Staters are receiving the resources that they need as we work together to overcome this pandemic."

"This important, flexible funding from the American Rescue Plan Act will help to mitigate the far-reaching economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in New Hampshire," said Representative Kuster. "In order to fully recover and rebuild from this crisis, we must ensure our local governments and regional economies have the support and resources to make up for lost revenue, continue essential services uninterrupted, and avoid budget shortfalls. This significant, much-needed federal funding will be instrumental in New Hampshire's ongoing pandemic response as we work to recover without leaving anyone behind. In Congress, I will continue to advocate for families, workers, and all Granite Staters as we build back better."

"Since the onset of this pandemic I have fought to secure federal funds for our state and our municipalities who have stepped up to assist Granite Staters despite facing economic hardships themselves," said Representative Pappas. "These additional funds will ensure that our cities and towns do not need to cut critical services and can continue to support our citizens through these difficult times."

New Hampshire will receive $1,456,856,670 in COVID-19 financial relief for the state and local governments through the American Rescue Plan. Of these funds, the state will receive approximately $994.6 million. The remainder will be distributed between the state's counties, metropolitan cities and communities with populations of less than 50,000. Below is a breakdown of how these funds will be distributed between these three categories:


Hillsborough County


Rockingham County


Merrimack County


Strafford County


Grafton County


Cheshire County


Belknap County


Carroll County


Sullivan County


Coos County




Metropolitan Cities*













*As defined by the U.S. Department of Treasury.

Granite State communities designated as "non-entitlement units", or those with populations of less than 50,000, will receive $112,208,773 in relief funding through the American Rescue Plan. A breakdown of how this funding will be distributed will be released in the coming days.

Shaheen and Hassan are members of the bipartisan, bicameral group of lawmakers that has steered negotiations of COVID-19 relief, and the delegation worked to secure the passage of the American Rescue Plan to respond to the full scope of this public health and economic emergency. The delegation announced $350.5 million to help schools safely re-open and support students, $20.2 million to help community health centers expand access to vaccines and $40.9 million to help expand COVID-19 testing in Granite State schools -- funds made available as a result of the American Rescue Plan.
