CNN "CNN Newsroom" - Transcript: Interview with Gov. Spencer Cox


Date: April 29, 2021


CABRERA: Utah's Republican Governor Spencer Cox is with us now.

Governor, it's great to have you with us.

You just signed into law a dozen police reform bills. And we'll talk about that in just a second.

But I couldn't help but notice, in that clip we just showed, the current lack of Republican enthusiasm. They weren't on their feet.

As someone who has prioritized this issue, what's your reaction to that?

GOV. SPENCER COX (R-UT): My reaction is, welcome to Congress. This is what happens. And it happens all the time.

If the Democrat says something, Republicans aren't supposed to cheer. And if Republicans say something, Democrats aren't supposed to cheer.

It's dumb and it's not what the people of our country expect from their leaders.

And so -- but that's the way Congress is. And we're grateful that, in Utah, we're not that way.

CABRERA: Let's talk about what you've done in Utah. You just passed 12 new bills dealing with police reform:

Which include increased training on de-escalation. Internal investigations into misconduct will now continue even after an officer leaves their job.

Also, data will now be collected for every use-of-force incident, and whenever an officer points a gun or taser at someone.

That's among many other things you've enacted. You got this work done with work by both parties. What's your message to lawmakers in Washington as they try to

negotiate police reform?

COX: Well, my message is that we've got to stop thinking as Americans and having to choose between false choices. You can be pro-cop and anti-murder.

We can do these things together. And that's what happened in Utah.

I just can't tell you how different and how cool it was, at this bill signing, with these 12 bills, we had Republicans and Democrats who sponsored these bills together.

We had our law enforcement community, the NAACP, and other community activists standing shoulder to shoulder celebrating these very positive things that happened.

And instead of, you know, defunding the police, we're actually giving more support to our officers, giving them more training.

They want to be held accountable. They want to make sure that the bad cops don't get a pass. They want to make sure that we are giving them the training that they need.

And you mentioned it, de-escalation training. Training around autism, mental health, and suicide by cop, all of those things to help them do their jobs better.

And then collecting data so we can see what's working and what's not working and we can make changes where they need to happen.

CABRERA: Quickly, if you will, on this issue, just for a moment, Republicans we've heard from, who believe that it's better left for the states to handle the police reform, individually, do you think there's a federal role in this?

COX: Well, I think everything's better left to the states to handle. And we have proven that over and over again. The dysfunction in Washington is just unconscionable and it continues.


And so I would rather do it our way because we did it the right way. If they want to copy us, that's great. But we're proving we can do it differently here.

CABRERA: President Biden is pushing this big, bold agenda, as we've been talking about today. You've spoken about the importance of investing in the state's infrastructure.

Can you get behind the president's plan?

COX: I can get behind small portions of it.

We've been really good here in Utah. We were able to, because of the way we handled the pandemic, because of the growth in our economy, we've had a really unique opportunity to invest in education, to invest in infrastructure, and then to give some tax cuts to families and veterans and our seniors.


CABRERA: Forgive me for interrupting but I'm short on time. What parts of this plan could you get behind?

COX: Well, the parts that actually focus on real infrastructure, right? We need to make sure that we have roads and that we have bridges and that we have those types of things that matter.

And some of our infrastructure is aging. Our water infrastructure, for example, the federal government stopped investing in water infrastructure several years ago, which I think was a mistake.

And that's one area where we absolutely need to rebuild our infrastructure.

CABRERA: Utah Governor Spencer Cox, I really appreciate you taking the time. Thank you so much for being here. And I hope you'll join us again.

COX: Thank you, Ana.

