Self-Inflicted Crises

Floor Speech

Date: June 16, 2021
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BAIRD. Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague from Louisiana for his allowing me to have the opportunity to be here and speak on this issue.

Today, I rise, Mr. Speaker, because our country is in crisis. Despite promises to the contrary, President Biden's policies are crushing small businesses and hurting hardworking Americans.

The simple fact is that we should be cruising into an economic recovery thanks to the Trump administration's advancements. Instead, we are drowning in Democrats' reckless spending packages that have led to a greater increase in inflation rates than we have seen since the 2008 economic crisis.

As a result, Americans are paying more for everything. Gasoline is over 50 percent more expensive today than it was 12 months ago. Transportation services are up 11 percent since last May. Food and energy prices have seen a combined price increase of nearly 4 percent, a dramatic increase that we haven't seen since 1992.

The average American simply cannot afford this, and it is time that we prioritize American paychecks over wasteful government spending.

