Lifting Families Out of Poverty

Floor Speech

Date: June 24, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes Family
Keyword Search: Relief


Ms. STANSBURY. Madam Speaker, I rise today to share in the relief that families across New Mexico will be receiving starting next month.

Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, about 95 percent of New Mexico's children will be eligible to get money through the child tax credit. Working families with kids will get payments of up to $300 monthly per child. That means more money for childcare and to put food on the table and to support our hardworking families.

I personally know the struggles that many New Mexican families face, and that is why here in Congress I am continuing to work to tackle childhood hunger and create more opportunities to lift our families out of poverty. We must make these tax credits permanent and put more money into the pockets of hardworking parents so they can get back to work and fuel our economy.

