Granger Remarks at Transportation and Housing and Urban Development FY22 Subcommittee Markup

Date: July 12, 2021

I want to thank Chairman Price for presenting the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development bill today.

I would also like to thank my friend, Mario Diaz-Balart, the ranking member of this subcommittee.

This bill supports key transportation infrastructure and safety programs, including highways, rail, and ports.

The funding provided for airport infrastructure and air traffic control will be critical for the aviation industry as it recovers from the coronavirus pandemic.

It is time for our investments in the FAA to provide real benefits to the traveling public, so I am pleased to see that this legislation includes programs that move air traffic modernization forward.

Many of the housing programs in this bill provide a critical safety net to working families, the elderly, and the disabled.

However, this bill includes more than $7 billion above last year for HUD -- a 15% increase. This high level of spending puts this important bill in jeopardy.

At a time when our nation's spending is at an all-time high, we must find ways to rein in spending while addressing our nation's most pressing needs.

It is our duty to protect future generations from out of control spending and higher taxes that will only destroy the jobs we should be trying to create.

We are just over two months away from the beginning of fiscal year 2022 and still have not reached a bipartisan agreement on top-line discretionary spending.

The programs in this bill that expand housing opportunities and rebuild our roads, bridges, and airports are too important to be delayed by politics.

The best way to advance housing and transportation opportunities for our communities is to work together now.

I hope we can come to a sensible, bipartisan budget agreement so that we can move this and the other appropriations bills forward.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman, I yield back.
