200 Days of Work for the People

Floor Speech

Keyword Search: Covid


Ms. KELLY of Illinois. Madam Speaker, today marks the 200th day of this Congress and of House Democrats working for the people.

Working together with the Biden administration, we have put our economy back on track, curbed the spread of COVID-19, and put money into the pockets of our constituents. It was only Democrats that voted for the American Rescue Plan, which helped create 3 million jobs, deliver stimulus checks, and extend the child tax credit.

The American Rescue Plan also delivered on one of my most urgent priorities, ending the maternal mortality crisis. Allowing States to extend Medicaid coverage for postpartum care from 60 days to one full year postpartum will save lives.

Outside of the recovery package, we have continued working on other priorities, like advancing a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and passing commonsense gun violence prevention measures to protect and improve the lives of everyday Americans.

Madam Speaker, in just 200 days, we have accomplished so much, but rest assured, we are just getting started.

