Letter to Democratic Colleague - Dear Colleague: Congress Must Extend Eviction Moratorium to October 18, 2021


Keyword Search: Relief

Dear Democratic Colleague,

As you may be aware, the Centers for Disease Control is the agency of government with the authority to extend the eviction moratorium for renters on public health grounds. At this time, as the CDC has intensified their appeal for mask-wearing, vaccinations and other public health measures to combat the coronavirus, our legislation would direct them to take an essential step to protect financial security by extending the moratorium for COVID-affected renter households facing eviction.

The timing for this step would coincide with the public health emergency declaration, issued by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, which expires October 18, 2021. It is our hope that we could pass a bill extending the eviction moratorium to that date immediately.

As we do so, we urge states and localities to expeditiously distribute the money that Congress has allocated to renters in need. Of the $46.5 billion provided by Congress in the December Omnibus and the American Rescue Plan, only $3 billion has been distributed to renters by state and local governments. Families must not pay the price for that.

Congress has the power to direct the CDC to extend the eviction moratorium to provide relief, as we encourage state and local governments to distribute the money that we allocated.

Please notify the Whip Office of your support for this reduced extension.
