Executive order 2021-08D Rescinding Executive Order 2020-01D and Ending the Declared State of Emergency

Executive Order

Date: June 18, 2021

WHEREAS, based upon the current circumstances surrounding the response to COVID-19, the state of emergency declared under 2020-01D is no longer required.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Mike DeWine, Governor of the State of Ohio, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution, the laws of this State and in accordance with Section 5502.22 of the Ohio Revised Code do hereby order and direct that Executive Order 2020-01D, signed March 9, 2020, is rescinded and the state of emergency as declared for the entire State is ended.

I signed this Executive Order on June 18, 2021, in Columbus, Ohio, and it shall take effect immediately.

Mike DeWine, Governor

Frank LaRose, Secretary of State
