Pelosi Statement on Biden Administration's Increase in SNAP Benefits


Date: Aug. 16, 2021
Location: San Francisco, CA

Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement commending the Biden-Harris Administration's actions to increase Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for 42 million Americans:

"Today is a day of great progress for struggling families across the nation, who will soon see a permanent and substantial increase to their monthly SNAP benefits for the first time ever. Thanks to the Biden Administration strengthening this important lifeline, parents will be able to afford healthy food for their families and children will not have to go to bed hungry.

"Even before the pandemic, countless parents have struggled to put enough food on the table, as current SNAP benefits no longer support a full, healthy diet. That's why, in the bipartisan 2018 Farm Bill, the Congress directed the Administration to update the Thrifty Food Plan, which is the basis for food stamp benefits, by 2022 based on food prices, consumption data and nutrition guidance. We applaud the President for delivering this increase ahead of schedule to bolster food and economic security for millions of working families as we emerge from this crisis.

"This new permanent increase, alongside the transformative Biden Child Tax Credit that Democrats secured in our American Rescue Plan, will help ensure millions of Americans are able to afford enough healthy food to feed their families. As Democrats continue to advance our Build Back Better agenda, we will fight to ensure that every child has enough healthy and nutritious food to eat so that they may reach their fullest potential."
