Rep. Crawford Responds to President Biden's Vaccine Mandate

Press Release

Date: Sept. 10, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Vaccine

Yesterday, President Biden signed an Executive Order which would require vaccines for federal employees as well as contractors who work with the Federal government. He also announced his intention to create rule changes in the Department of Labor which would mandate vaccines for private businesses with over 100 employees.

"President Biden's unilateral decree requiring vaccines for roughly 100 million Americans was a condescending, and counter-productive, effort to shift blame from his failures. His mandates will cause thousands of Americans to leave the work force, especially in states like Arkansas with many working in agriculture and manufacturing. This will exacerbate our supply chain problems that are, along with his massive deficit spending, causing an inflation tax on working families that is growing faster than wages," said Rep. Crawford.

"I believe vaccination makes sense, but we should use education and persuasion, and respect that Americans prioritize different legitimate interests. Destroying peoples' livelihoods just continues the rancor and division he promised to work against while running for president. It will also mean more harm to businesses trying to recover from months of lockdowns."
