Reps. Garbarino, Nadler, Maloney Introduce Resolution Commemorating 20th Anniversary of 9/11

Press Release

Date: Sept. 10, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Representatives Andrew R. Garbarino (R-NY), Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) today introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives commemorating the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The resolution:

Recognizes September 11 as a day of solemn remembrance
Expresses sympathy to the families and loved ones of those we lost and honors the heroism of those who risked their lives
Stands with responders and survivors struggling with 9/11-related illnesses and
Reaffirms Congress' commitment to Never Forget September 11.
"It is hard to believe that is has been 20 years since the September 11 attack. We still remember the horror of that day, and the heroism of responders, military personnel, and everyday Americans who showed unimaginable courage," the Members said. "To honor those we lost, to thank those who risked everything to save their fellow Americans, and to recognize those who are still suffering the health impacts of that day, we introduced a resolution with broad bipartisan support honoring the Twentieth Anniversary of the September 11th Attacks. We stand with our colleagues, just as we did 20 years ago, to affirm that we will never forget the events of September 11."
