Norcross Votes to Advance Science, Space and Technology Committee's Provisions of the Build Back Better Act, Including Historic Investments to Combat Climate Change

Press Release

Date: Sept. 9, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01), who serves on the Energy Subcommittee and Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, voted to advance portions of the Build Back Better Act. The bill, which advanced out of committee on a party-line vote of 21 -- 17, is comprised of $45.51 billion in science, space, and technology funding. Congressman Norcross has been a champion of investing in key programs and research that will allow the United States to meet the challenge of climate change head-on. Funding to enhance climate adaption and resilience and develop a climate-ready workforce was also included in the bill.

"Climate change isn't coming, it's already here," said Congressman Norcross. "Last week, tornadoes and flooding caused by Ida devasted portions of New Jersey, underscoring why we must respond to the climate crisis. Today's vote sends a clear message: to build back better, America needs historic levels of investment in climate monitoring; we need to fund institutions and universities that are on the cutting-edge of climate research; and we need a climate-ready workforce. Climate change and job creation go hand in hand, and by investing in our climate response we are laying the foundation for economic growth and generating good-paying jobs. I am proud to vote for these vital investments in America's future to ensure our nation is prepared as climate change brings increasingly extreme weather events to our shores. This bill also provides much needed investment for domestic manufacturing and for first responders, like firefighters, who often find themselves on the frontline of the climate crisis."

This allocation will be folded into the broader Build Back Better Act, a $3.5 trillion infrastructure package.

Key Investments Supported by Congressman Norcross

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
$1.24 billion toward weather, ocean, and climate research and forecasting to better prepare and anticipate the impacts of climate change.
Research and Universities
$11.03 billion to the National Science Foundation to improve research infrastructure, including $7.55 billion for climate research and scholarships and fellowships for HBCUs, HSIs, and other minority-serving institutions.
$113 million for NASA's research and development of tools to help understand and reduce risk related to fire, flooding, and drought.
$264 million for EPA to conduct environmental research and development activities related to climate change.
Regional Innovation
$5 billion for innovation initiatives that will spur economic and job growth.
$1 billion toward securing the future of American manufacturing through public-private partnerships that spur innovation, education, and collaboration.
$1 billion for manufacturing extension partnerships to enable manufacturers to identify opportunities that will accelerate and strengthen growth and competitiveness in the global marketplace.
FEMA Assistance to Firefighters
$718 million in construction upgrades for fire stations.
$80 million for replacement of gear with PFAS-free alternatives.
