Tweet - "If Senate Republicans want to force Democrats to suspend the debt ceiling alone, then so be it. But first Sen. McConnell needs to either lift his filibuster requiring 60 votes for passage or he needs to support @SenSchumer's request to allow a simple majority to pass this vote."

Social Media

Date: Sept. 28, 2021

"If Senate Republicans want to force Democrats to suspend the debt ceiling alone, then so be it.

But first Sen. McConnell needs to either lift his filibuster requiring 60 votes for passage or he needs to support @SenSchumer's request to allow a simple majority to pass this vote."

"Republicans can't have it both ways. If they want to allow us to suspend the limit on our own, they must allow us to do so. Otherwise we will default on our debt and the economy will suffer as a result.

It's time to prove they are Americans first and Republicans second."

