Letter to Democratic Colleagues - Dear Colleague Following President Biden's Visit with Our Democratic Caucus


Date: Oct. 1, 2021

Dear Democratic Colleague,

Today, President Biden honored us with his first in-person visit to our Caucus. He received a hero's welcome! His presentation on the values of the Biden vision was warmly and enthusiastically received. We look forward to a successful enactment of the Build Back Better Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill.

While great progress has been made in the negotiations to develop a House, Senate and White House agreement on the Build Back Better Act, more time is needed to complete the task. Our priority to create jobs in the health care, family and climate agendas is a shared value. Our Chairs are still working for clarity and consensus. Clearly, the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill will pass once we have agreement on the reconciliation bill.

Tonight, we will pass a critical 30-day extension of the surface transportation authorization. More updates to come.

Many thanks to all in our Caucus for your energetic and principled leadership For The People.
