Neguse Introduces Legislation to Provide Travel Allowances for Families of Fallen Soldiers

Date: Sept. 22, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Washington, D.C.--Today, Congressman Joe Neguse unveiled legislation to provide funding for family members to attend military funerals and memorial services. Neguse introduced the measure as a standalone measure and as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY2022.

"Our remarkable servicemembers and their families make incredible sacrifices to keep our communities safe, and any soldier losing their life in the line of duty is a tragic loss for our nation," said Congressman Joe Neguse. "However, these losses are especially tragic for the families who were closest to them. For too many, travel costs prevent families from attending the services that might help bring closure--this bill aims to fix that. We owe a tremendous debt to these brave individuals and I believe we have a responsibility to ensure that military families will never be denied the chance to grieve the passing of loved ones who died in service."

Congressman Neguse has consistently worked to deliver for active military members, veterans, and their families during his time in Congress. Recently, he has introduced multiple pieces of legislation aimed at addressing veteran unemployment and alleviating cost burdens for military families.
