Larson Pushes For Paid Family and Medical Leave

Press Release

Date: Sept. 9, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Washington, D.C. - During today's Ways and Means mark up of the Build Back Better Act, Rep. John B. Larson (CT-01) pushed for national Paid Family and Medical Leave. The Build Back Better Act provides up to 12 weeks of parental, serious medical condition, or caregiving leave.

"Dr. Edward Ziegler of Yale University called child care in America a "cosmic crapshoot'. We are the only industrialized nation who does not provide this essential opportunity for its people. It's time that changes.

"We have a tale of -- not two cities -- but two tax cuts. Those on the other side of the aisle believe that by giving the bulk of a tax cut to the wealthiest 1 percent of the country, that they know better, and that money will trickle down to you. On the other hand, we're giving tax cuts directly to families who need it," said Larson. "National Paid Family and Medical Leave is a necessity. People shouldn't be forced to choose between work and taking care of a loved one. It is long overdue that we step forward to take care of the American people."
