Espaillat Introduces Legislation to Revitalize New York City Infrastructure Projects

Press Release

Date: Sept. 30, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Covid

Today, Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) announced the introduction of his Pedestrian Safety and Transit Preservation Act, a bill that would guarantee infrastructure grants set to lapse in New York City will continue to remain available for the completion of transportation and infrastructure projects.

"COVID-19 hit New York City especially hard, and our communities need our support more now than ever before -- and that support starts with funding our city's infrastructure that countless of my constituents rely on each and every day," said Rep. Espaillat. "In light of the pandemic, countless infrastructure projects were put on hold, despite being so close to the finish line. That's why I introduced the Pedestrian Safety and Transit Preservation Act, to ensure these projects are reinvigorated, and our communities can begin to build back better, and stronger, than ever before."

In 2014, NYC received a $25 million dollar TIGER grant for their Vision Zero projects, which is set to fund a 3-part safety improvement program in New York City, comprised of safe pedestrian access to schools and transit, and safe bicycle access to jobs via completion of trail systems connecting distressed communities with employment centers. The program of improvements, including curb extensions, pedestrian islands, expanded sidewalks, and protected bike lanes was developed through a comprehensive planning and public engagement process involving multi-agency task force deliberations, and includes ongoing performance monitoring of impacts.

Due to a Congressional sunset provisions, funds that are not used by September 30th will expire. The COVID-19 pandemic delayed the completion of many projects, and as such, an extension of use of funds is needed. The Pedestrian Safety and Transit Preservation Act will prolong the use of funds timeframe to allow for a successful completion of infrastructure projects that are close to the finish line.
