Critical Discussion on the High Stakes on the Inclusion of Immigration Reform in Budget Reconciliation

Press Release

Date: Sept. 30, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Immigration

This week, Representatives Adriano Espaillat (NY-13), Jesus G. "Chuy" Garcia (IL-04), and Lou Correa (CA-46) hosted a call with national immigration advocacy organizations to discuss the current state of play surrounding the inclusion of immigration reform in budget reconciliation.

During the call, the Members reiterated the importance of the inclusion of common sense immigration reform and encouraged immigration advocates to continue their efforts on behalf of the over 11 million undocumented immigrants whose lives hang in the balance.

"Since the start of this pandemic, countless Americans remained at home while millions of immigrants, many of whom being our nation's most essential workers, rose to the occasion to keep this country running. We cannot turn our backs on them now -- not when we have this once-in-a-generation opportunity," said Rep. Espaillat. "We have made it abundantly clear: we will vote 'no' on any budget reconciliation package that does not include immigration reform, full stop. While the decision ultimately rests in the Senate, it's crucial that more House Members engage with our Senate colleagues and express the need for immigration reform in reconciliation."

"Undocumented immigrants are the backbone of our country and, through this pandemic, have continued to put their lives at risk to keep our country operating. Every person I met today had an incredible story that continues to prove that our undocumented community members need a pathway to citizenship. My Congressional colleagues and I have an opportunity to include an immigration reform in the budget reconciliation, and we have previously seen Republicans propose immigration changes in prior reconciliation bills. Now is the time to help our nation recover and strengthen our economy," said Rep. Correa.
