Amata Welcomes Two-Month Extension Of Government Funding

Press Release

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Congresswoman Uifa'atali Amata welcomed congressional action Thursday to ensure government funding as the new fiscal year starts, and prevent a temporary government shutdown. The Senate passed the legislation earlier in the day and the House of Representatives then quickly passed the Continuing Resolution (CR). President Biden was expected to sign the legislation as soon as possible preventing any interruption of nonessential government functions starting October 1.

Notably, the legislation includes a short-term extension of the Medicaid federal match (FMAP) rate for American Samoa. The CR provides government funding through December 3 at fiscal year 2021 levels, giving lawmakers over two months additional time to continue work on major yearly federal appropriations bills, including ongoing efforts for a lasting multi-year Medicaid extension that Amata cosponsored and has bipartisan support.

"I'm pleased that federal services are funded for the next two months, and we can keep after priorities like another multi-year extension of our Medicaid," Amata said. "We're getting closer to the goal, but it's a step-by-step process. The federal matching rate we worked together to achieve two years ago was a big success. That established 83 percent as a new standard, then Congress boosted it to over 89 percent as part of Covid response. We'll keep pressing for a multi-year extension, and I'm optimistic we will get a good result."

Earlier this year, Congresswoman Amata cosponsored an eight-year Medicaid extension, which has been passed by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and has bipartisan support.
