Weekly Wrap Up

Press Release

Date: Oct. 2, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Relief

Rep. Correa was back in Washington DC on Monday and joined his Congressional Hispanic Caucus Colleagues this week to visit Vice President Kamala Harris's home to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. The event highlight the positive influence the Latino community contributes to our country.

The Congressman also attended the bipartisan annual charity Congressional baseball game this week that raised over a million dollars that will support local DC charities. Rep. Correa joined his House Democrats colleagues to have a meeting with the VA Secretary to discuss the importance of bringing justice to deported veterans who have served our country and deserve to have access to VA benefits they earned.

The Weekly Rundown
This week, Congressman Correa voted on legislation to suspend the debt ceiling and avoided a government shutdown.

On Monday, the House started debate on the infrastructure bill, also known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The infrastructure bill debate continued on Tuesday, and the House voted for over two hours on a series of legislation, including the Consider Teachers Act to codify Department of Education regulations to improve the administration of the TEACH Grant program.

On Wednesday, Congressman Correa attended a Committee on Homeland Security hearing on the state of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) 20 years after 9/11. You can listen to the Congressman's question regarding TSA's interagency and international cooperation in its mission to protect the country.

On Wednesday, the Congressman also attended a Judiciary Committee markup to consider legislation to promote competition and encourage affordable prescriptions, to stop online sales of counterfeit goods, and to reform cannabis policy.

This week, Congressman Correa cosponsored several bills, including Rep. DelBene's Ensuring Patient Access to Critical Breakthrough Products Act, which would require Medicare to temporarily cover all breakthrough products approved through the FDA for four years. This allows patients and their providers access to the most cutting-edge, innovative care as soon as it comes to market. Congressman Correa also cosponsored Rep. DeGette's Research Investment to Spark the Economy (RISE) Act to preserve the current scientific workforce and authorize approximately $25 billion in emergency relief appropriations for federal science agencies during fiscal year 2021.

Congressman Correa also cosigned Rep. Lee's letter to Secretary Becerra to ensure targeted funding for community-based organizations to serve our historically medically underserved communities.

On Thursday, the Senate finally passed a short term funding bill to avoid a government shutdown. Following that, the House took swift action, and Congressman Correa joined his colleagues to pass the funding bill.
