Congressman Al Green Lauds Allowing Voting at Chinese Community Center as Fundamental to Free and Fair Elections


By: Al Green
By: Al Green
Date: Oct. 14, 2021
Location: Houston, TX

Houston, TX) -- On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, Congressman Al Green (TX-09) released the following statement:

"The fact that this polling place is in the Ninth Congressional District of Texas, which has the most diverse and international population in Houston, will provide greater access for the community to exercise its constitutional right to vote is reason to celebrate. It is also worthy of noting that the ballots at this polling place will be printed in multiple languages: Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish, and English. I commend all who have worked to have this polling place located in a community center that welcomes all peoples. Access to free and fair elections protects the noble American ideal proclaimed by President Lincoln that the government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."
