Letter to Hon. Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy - Murphy, Wenstrup, Hudson Open Inquiry into Status of LtCol Stuart Scheller


Date: Sept. 29, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Dear Mr. Secretary,
We have been receiving numerous constituent inquiries as to the status of Lieutenant Colonel
(LtCol) Stuart Scheller, USMC. As you know, LtCol Scheller has direct ties to our states. He
resides in NC-03, which is also home to about 42,000 plus Marines and Sailors. He is also from
OH-02, and his family still resides there. Therefore, we respectfully request to receive a full
accounting of his status as soon as you are able to provide it. Please answer the below questions.
1. Have charges been preferred against LtCol Scheller?
2. If so, when were those charges preferred?
3. What articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) is LtCol Scheller accused
of violating?
4. What is the justification as to why LtCol Scheller is in pretrial confinement?
5. Why were lesser forms of constraint deemed not adequate?
6. Has LtCol Scheller been assigned legal counsel through Defense Service Offices (DSO)?
7. Are you aware of whether LtCol Scheller has been afforded the opportunity to obtain
civilian legal counsel?
8. Please clarify the schedule of when and where his hearings will be held.
In addition to a written response to these questions, we would also like to request a briefing from
the appropriate USMC and/or Navy staff to discuss the ongoing matter.
Many thanks for your prompt response to our request.
