Thompson: PennDOT's Bridge Tolling Proposals Frustrating


Date: Nov. 2, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation

U.S. Representative Glenn "GT" Thompson released the following statement regarding the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's (PennDOT) virtual briefings for public officials, which were hosted Monday for the proposed bridge tolling projects in Pennsylvania's 15th Congressional District:

"Monday's briefings continue to demonstrate PennDOT's attitude to steamroll all public comment on establishing four tolls along Interstate 80, including tolls on the Canoe Creek Bridge in Clarion and the North Fork Bridges in Jefferson. PennDOT shared very few details about these projects and failed to give elected officials adequate time to ask meaningful questions about their flawed proposals before ending the session altogether. Pennsylvania requires a reliable funding mechanism to maintain and replace existing infrastructure, but the Commonwealth collected $4 billion in revenue in September 2021, which is 14 percent higher than anticipated and currently has a $628.3 million budget surplus. I remain concerned these proposals are shortsighted, will leave lasting negative impacts on our communities and businesses, and place further tax burdens on Pennsylvanians."
