Rep. Johnson Joins Men of CBC, American Cancer Society for Prostate Cancer Awareness Campaign


Date: Nov. 2, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Black History Month

Today, the Male members of the Congressional Black Caucus released the following statement announcing a partnership with the American Cancer Society for a month-long campaign to raise awareness for Prostate Cancer in Black men.

"Black men are nearly two times more likely to be diagnosed with--and more than twice as likely to die from -- prostate cancer than white men. As a Black man and Member of the Congressional Black Caucus, I'm proud to work alongside the American Cancer Society to raise awareness of this deadly disease and its disproportionate impact," said Congressman Hank Johnson (GA-04)

Black men are 1.8 times more likely to be diagnosed with--and 2.2 times more likely to die from--Prostate Cancer than white men. Black men are also slightly more likely than white men to be diagnosed with advanced disease. In fact, one in seven Black men will develop Prostate Cancer in their lifetime. Black men may also be harmed by racial bias in preventive care, as they are less likely than white men to be offered the option of having a PSA test, and are more likely than white men to be told that the benefits of the PSA test are uncertain. Additionally, a recent study found that Black men diagnosed with early-stage Prostate Cancer were less likely than white men to receive any type of treatment for that cancer.

These sobering realizations spurred the Male members of the CBC into action, to grow their beards out for the month of November and to raise awareness for Prostate Cancer.

"As Congress works to improve health equity, I'm proud to join my brothers in the Congressional Black Caucus to raise awareness about the disproportionate toll of prostate cancer on Black men," said Congressman Steven Horsford (NV-04). "Black men are more than twice as likely to die from prostate cancer, but less likely to receive the screenings and treatment we need to stay healthy. I encourage all men to talk to their doctor and make a joint decision on when prostate cancer screening will make sense for them. Early detection and treatment save lives."

"Prostate cancer steals far too many lives every year, killing Black men at more than twice the rate of our white counterparts," said Congressman Mondaire Jones (NY-17). "Ending this crisis starts with raising awareness, which is why, this November, I'm joining my CBC colleagues in urging Black men to talk to their doctors about prostate cancer screening. Together, we are raising awareness and helping ensure everyone has the resources and information they need to keep themselves and their loved ones healthy."

"Prostate cancer has devastated so many families, and it's a public health inequity that Black men are more likely to be diagnosed with or die from this disease than white counterparts," said Congressman Troy A. Carter Sr. (LA-02) "I am proud to join my CBC colleagues this month to participate in the "Grow it Out' and "I pledge' campaigns to help raise awareness for screenings, prevention and research."

"Black Americans face implicit racial bias in our health care system - from diagnosis to treatment and medical outcomes. Black men are more likely to be diagnosed with, and die from prostate cancer but less likely to be tested. We can change this," said Congressman Anthony Brown (MD-04). "By raising awareness for routine Prostate Cancer checks and treatment as part of a healthy life and through targeted investments and health care resources to minority communities we can begin to tear down these barriers and save lives."

"Prostate cancer is not only a health issue but also a race issue. Black men are more likely to be diagnosed and more likely to die from prostate cancer than our white counterparts. I urge my brothers to make sure they get screened for prostate cancer this month -- early detection is key," said Congressman Gregory W. Meeks (NY-05).

"Prostate cancer has been a silent killer of Black men for far too long. Black men are dying from prostate cancer at higher rates, which means we have to be proactive, instead of reactive, when combatting this disease," said Majority Whip James E. Clyburn (SC-06). "Cancer doesn't discriminate, and neither should our health care system. We cannot allow race to continue to be a barrier disproportionately keeping one group of people from receiving the information and support needed to receive preventative care. I applaud my colleagues of the CBC for taking action and raising awareness of such an unyielding disease that has put our fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, and communities at risk."

"Prostate Cancer death rates in Black men are double those of every other racial/ethnic group, and those higher incidence and mortality rates are exceptionally concerning. Black men should consult their provider to make an informed decision about designing the screening plan that is right for them, which should include consideration of family history and any known genetic risk of cancer," said Dr. Karen E. Knudsen, CEO of the American Cancer Society and American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. "Additional research, including clinical trials on the risk, screening, diagnosis, and treatment of Prostate Cancer must be more inclusive of Black men to reduce these disparities. We are grateful to the Congressional Black Caucus for shining a light on this important issue and raising funds for the American Cancer Society so critical work to address disparities in the Black community can continue."

"I am proud the men of our caucus have taken this opportunity to share critical information and raise awareness for this deadly disease. Black men are more likely to develop Prostate Cancer than men from any other racial group. They are also more likely to develop aggressive forms of Prostate Cancer and die from this disease. Prostate Cancer can remain symptomless for a long time, so campaigns to raise awareness and encourage early screening are vital. Early detection is critical to surviving Prostate Cancer," said Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Joyce Beatty. "Our Caucus continues to feel the loss of Congressmen Alcee Hastings, John Lewis due to the prevalence of Cancer. In fact, 45.2 percent of the men of the Congressional Black Caucus fall between 55 and 69, making them the target demographic for Prostate Cancer screening. I support the #GrowItOut Campaign and look forward to the lives we will save and the beards that will grow."
