Rep. Ted Budd Sponsors Conscience Protection Act


By: Ted Budd
By: Ted Budd
Date: Nov. 29, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Ted Budd (R-NC) has sponsored H.R. 6060, the Conscience Protection Act.

The bill strengthens the rights of healthcare providers who have religious or moral objections to certain medical procedures, including abortion. The bill provides a private right of action for employees to be able to sue their employer if they are punished or terminated for registering conscience objections.

The bill was originally introduced by Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. (R-MD).

Rep. Budd said in a statement:

"Citizens should not be forced or coerced into performing actions that violate their conscience. This bill would give Americans more ways to defend themselves if their sincere beliefs are targeted in the workplace. I'd like to thank Congressman Harris for leading this critical initiative."
