Sen. Rick Scott: SCOTUS Can Protect Jobs by Ruling Against Biden's Unconstitutional Mandate


Date: Jan. 7, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Vaccine

Today, Senator Rick Scott released the below statement as the United States Supreme Court hears oral arguments on President Joe Biden's overreaching, job-killing vaccine mandate on private businesses. Senator Scott recently joined Senator Mike Braun and 45 of their Senate colleagues in an amicus brief arguing that Congress did not grant the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) the authority to impose such an overreaching mandate and urging the court to block it.

Senator Rick Scott said, "Throughout his campaign and much of his first year in office, Joe Biden, his administration and Democrats in Washington repeatedly promised the American people that they would never impose a vaccine mandate. They lied. It's another broken promise, just like their broken promise not to raise taxes on hardworking families, and I've been fighting against this unconstitutional, job-killing vaccine mandate from the very start.

"Biden and the Democrats' broken promises have been devastating for American families and our economy at just the moment that we need economic momentum most. This is a fact and the reason why a bipartisan majority of the U.S. Senate voted last month to strike down this vaccine mandate on private businesses and workers. Just look at today's jobs report which came in drastically below estimates. Biden is killing American jobs with his socialist agenda and utter stupidity. Sadly, even after this vote and the terrible economic outcomes we've seen, many Democrats continue to blindly follow Biden's misguided lead and just this week blocked my bill to prohibit vaccine mandates for domestic air travel and interstate commerce. Today, the United States Supreme Court will hear arguments on Biden's unlawful mandate. It's clear that we cannot rely on Democrats in Washington to do the right thing and the Court must rule. For the sake of millions of American workers and countless job creators, I hope the Court rules against Biden's gross federal overreach and definitively strikes down this unconstitutional move that so clearly demonstrates Biden's failure to lead."
