
Date: Nov. 19, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Scott DesJarlais (R-TN-04) released the following statement after voting no on President Joe Biden's budget reconciliation bill.

"This administration is more focused on jamming through another 2,300 page bill full of political payoffs rather than taking the time to address the economic crisis plaguing our Nation. Inflation is at record highs, gas and grocery prices are skyrocketing and this year will mark the most expensive Thanksgiving in our country's history.

Even a generous score from the Congressional Budget Office proved that the bill was not paid for and that it will add hundreds of billions more to our nation's debt - despite President Biden and Speaker Pelosi's claims to the contrary. All the while adding over 87,000 new IRS agents to wage war on middle class families, create tax incentives for millions of illegal migrants and allocate $550 BILLION for the Green New Deal.

Over the past few months, I have spoken with numerous people in Tennessee's Fourth Congressional District. All have expressed deep concern over the direction our country is headed in and the economic hardships they are facing. Numerous calls, text messages and emails have flooded into my office asking that I vote no on the Build Back Broke Act.

Today House Democrats may have won, but millions of Americans lost. The citizens of our great Nation have made it clear over the course of this last year that they want less government in their lives and for their tax burdens to be lowered.

I will continue to fight back against President Biden's progressive agenda and continue to work with likeminded lawmakers to produce meaningful legislation that helps hardworking Americans."
