Congressman Good Statement on Passage of the Further Extending Government Funding Act


Date: Dec. 2, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Vaccine

Today, Congressman Bob Good (VA-05) voted against H.R. 6119 the Further Extending Government Funding Act. The bill would extend current government funding through February 18, 2022, and provide supplemental funding for Afghan refugee resettlement.

"Once again, the House voted to extend government funding without any spending reforms when we already have over $29 trillion of debt. Worse, this spending bill would allow funding to be used by the Biden Administration for its unconstitutional vaccine mandates. Congress simply should not fund the Biden Administration's lawless tyrannical agenda to control the health care decisions of millions of Americans. People across the country are uprooting their homes and families or losing their livelihoods, all in the name of health "safety." Congress must stand in the gap and hold the Biden Administration accountable by defending the freedoms of all Americans and reining in the out of control inflationary spending," said Congressman Good.
