Governor Mills Releases Historic Elder Justice Roadmap

Press Release

Date: Feb. 4, 2022
Issues: Senior Citizens

Governor Janet Mills today released the Elder Justice Roadmap, the state's first report focused on combatting elder abuse compiled by public and private sector experts on the Governor's Elder Justice Coordinating Partnership.

Established by Governor Mills in 2019 with the support of the John T. Gorman Foundation and the Muskie School of Public Service, the 21-member Elder Justice Coordinating Partnership has identified challenges to the prevention of, detection of, and response to elder abuse in the State of Maine and has developed strategic priorities across the public and private sectors to prevent and respond to elder abuse. These recommendations, contained in the Elder Justice Roadmap, range from improvements in direct victim services, public and professional education, public policy and data collection and evaluation.

"The abuse of vulnerable people, especially our older citizens, is an insidious crime that has no place in Maine," said Governor Janet Mills. "I am grateful to the public and private sector organizations on my Elder Justice Coordinating Partnership who have worked to thoughtfully determine how we can better protect Maine seniors from abuse, neglect, and all forms of exploitation. I look forward to reviewing these recommendations and advancing our efforts to combat elder abuse."
