Believe in Michigan: Creating Opportunities

Press Release

Date: Jan. 24, 2022
Location: Lansing, MI

Leading up to the Governor's State of the State address, Gov. Whitmer's team set out to hear from Michiganders across the state on why they believe in Michigan. We'll share their thoughts each day leading up to the address in a video series.

"Michiganders deserve a transparent government that is responsive to their needs and is staffed by ethical state employees who are dedicated to getting things done that make a difference in people's lives," said Governor Gretchen Whitmer. "I am proud of the actions I have taken to ensure every Michigander's voice is heard. We are accountable to the people we serve, and I will continue finding ways to make state government more responsive to Michiganders."

"I want my state government to focus on safety and protection of all of our public," said Brian Kerrigan, MRCC Business Representative and Upper Peninsula Regional Director. "We need to work on infrastructure, climate change and keeping the Great Lakes safe. We need to address our economic security and allowing the citizens the opportunity to invest in our communities. We need to focus on creating opportunities to allow our citizens to reach the American and Michigan dream, and pathways to achieve the middle class."

When asked why he believes in Michigan, Kerrigan added, "I believe in Michigan because I want to believe in Michigan, and I trust in the people. Michigan has always found a way to figure things out. We're hard-working, we're practical, we're good problem solvers. We have an incredible state with endless opportunities, and I believe in our values."
