Proclamation Officially Recognizes Pro-Life Flag in Nebraska

Press Release

Date: Jan. 28, 2022
Location: Lincoln, NE
Issues: Abortion

Today, Acting Governor Mike Foley--with the full support of Governor Pete Ricketts--issued a proclamation officially recognizing a Pro-Life flag for Nebraska.

The proclamation acknowledges the state's strong support of unborn life: "Nebraskans consistently and courageously take action to protect preborn life by volunteering at pregnancy centers, aiding expectant mothers, giving generously to young families, taking part in prayer walks and vigils, and displaying their support for life on signs along state highways."

"Pro-life supporters have created a pro-life flag to celebrate babies and the mothers who nurture them," reads the proclamation. "It features the footprint of a child encircled by a mother's hands--set within two stripes to highlight the two lives present in pregnancy."

"It is fitting and proper for Nebraskans to exercise their First Amendment rights to proclaim the human dignity of the unborn," declares the proclamation.
