
Date: Feb. 2, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11), along with his colleagues Congresswoman Doris Matsui (CA-06) and Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07) announced the introduction of the Early Childhood Mental Health Support Act (H.R. 6509), a bill to bolster the mental health services provided to young children in Head Start and early childhood education centers.

"The importance of strong behavioral health support from an early age cannot be overstated," said Congressman DeSaulnier. "Like many families across the country, I have seen firsthand that the sooner children receive support, the better their outcomes. I am proud to work with Reps. Matsui and Pressley in ensuring these services are available at Head Start and other early education facilities, which will have a positive, lasting impact on the health and wellbeing of millions of children and families while helping to support teachers."

"Head Start programs have proven benefits--from academic achievement to improved social skills--that provide children with a strong foundation to grow and thrive in their earliest years," said Congresswoman Matsui. "Mental health is an important part of that foundation, and every Head Start location in the country should have access to the evidence-based tools and resources they need to best serve the behavioral health needs of children under five. I am proud to again join Congressman DeSaulnier in reintroducing the Early Childhood Mental Health Support Act, legislation that supports Head Start programs in carrying out this vision and expands access to mental and behavioral health care for young children."

"From poverty to housing, food, and health care insecurity, low-income children in my district are more vulnerable to trauma-inducing experiences that, when left unaddressed, can lead to health problems, relationship challenges, and mental health and substance use disorders," said Congresswoman Pressley. "The Early Childhood Mental Health Support Act would provide critical resources to prevent and address childhood trauma for low-income children and families, using best practices and culturally-competent solutions. As we recover from this pandemic and the unprecedented emotional burden on young people, this bill would provide necessary early intervention to help children heal and thrive. I am proud to join Rep. DeSaulnier in introducing this legislation and look forward to working with him to fight to pass this bill."
