Moolenaar Statement on Justice Breyer's Retirement From the Supreme Court

Date: Jan. 26, 2022

Today, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer announced he will retire from the Supreme Court and stay on the bench until his replacement is confirmed. The Associated Press reported last year that Breyer "never voted to sustain an abortion restriction."

"Justice Breyer consistently ruled against the dignity of human life and opposed pro-life policies. Science has found that babies in the womb have a heartbeat after six weeks, arms and legs after ten weeks, and major organs after 15 weeks. These unborn children have the right to life and future generations of Americans will look back in sadness on Justice Breyer's support for unlimited abortion," said Congressman John Moolenaar.

"A seat on the Supreme Court is one of the most important decisions a president can make. President Biden's campaign promise to only consider candidates of a certain race and gender runs against the ideals of America, and he should nominate the best person for the job, without using race or gender in that decision," added Moolenaar.
